Marsh Musings – Summer 2024

by Dr. Lenore Tedesco, Executive Director Ah summer. That magical time when we all embrace the beloved coastal way of life. Seems to take too long to arrive and then end too soon. It’s a great reminder to savor the moments that make it so special. For all of us at The...

Mother Knows Best

by Ray Burke, Wetlands Institute Supporter Growing up on a farm bordering Jenkins Sound, my earliest memories included family adventures into the marshes and tidal creeks between the mainland and Seven Mile Beach. There was, however, one particular event that forever...

The Marshketeers Notch Another Victory… for the Birds

by Devin Griffiths, Marketing & Communications Specialist Saturday, May 11, 3:00 AM. It’s deja vu all over again as The Marshketeers – our unstoppable band of birders – set out hours ahead of the sun for the NJ Audubon World Series of Birding, a 24-hour birding...

Raising up Our Marshes to Ensure Their Survival

by Dr. Lenore Tedesco, Executive Director Coastal marshes, tidal creeks, and bays are the cradle of life. They host a phenomenal diversity of wildlife; are nursery grounds for fish and shellfish; are home to myriad wildlife that rely on them for food, nesting, and...

Supporting the Future of Research

by Elizabeth Hefner, Development Team The Wetlands Institute is pleased to announce it has awarded the first fellowship in the Jeannie Morris Graduate Fellowship Program for Coastal Conservation and Research. Our first fellowship recipient is Garret Maggio, a Ph.D....

Three Generations of Connection

by Chip Roach, Institute Supporter and Loyalty Society Member We have been visitors to The Wetlands Institute (TWI) building and donors for decades. It is TWI’s stewardship of the tidal marsh and the architectural beauty of the headquarters building that were the main...

Marsh Musings – Spring 2024

by Dr. Lenore Tedesco, Executive Director As spring arrives in the marsh, I reflect on the passing of another year and how things have evolved. I take stock in the external forces that drive our work, the accomplishments we have achieved so far, and all we have...

Creating an Ethic of Stewardship Across Generations

by Dr. Lenore Tedesco, Executive Director, & Elizabeth Hefner, Development Team The Wetlands Institute (TWI) is a gateway to connections that inspire stewardship. Our mission is to promote appreciation, understanding, and stewardship of wetlands and coastal...