Tracking Terrapins in the Marsh

by Brian Williamson In an effort to fill gaps in our knowledge of behavior and survival of juvenile terrapins, we initiated a telemetry study to track movements of head-started juvenile terrapins this summer. We are partnering with Cellular Tracking Technologies...

A Sea of Plastic? Let’s Do Something About It

by Dr. Lenore Tedesco I often wonder about my role, my contribution, my impact. Perhaps it’s because I think about the impact the average American lifestyle has on the environment so much that it has become alarming. I am talking about our disposable society, and the...

Ring Island Nesting Habitat: Common Sense Conservation

by Dr. Lenore Tedesco, Executive Director For the past 4 years, scientists at The Wetlands Institute have been working as part of a project team that includes the US Army Corp of Engineers, NJ Department of Environmental Protection, The Nature Conservancy and many...

Nesting Season is Here!

by Brian Williamson As the weather warms up and vacationers begin to arrive, local turtles, especially nesting diamondback terrapins, will be on the move as well. Here are some guidelines for what to do, and not do, if you see a turtle this summer. Be aware of turtles...