by Brooke Knapick, Director of Educational Program Development
As the early realities of this pandemic unfolded, Education staff were planning several different Summer Nature Program scenarios that included delaying the start of the program, operating programs at reduced levels, and/or cancelling the program this summer, among others. As we carefully considered all options, the health and safety of our program participants remained our first priority, and it is after much thoughtfulness that we determined the best course of action would be to cancel the in-person component of our Summer Nature Program for this year.
However, we hold strong to the notion that children need nature, and nature needs children. Summer Nature Program is full immersion in science exploration, the warmth of the sun, the saltiness of the breeze, the smell and feel of the salt marsh, and the joy of being outdoors. It is at the heart of what we do, and while our in-person Summer Nature Program is canceled, the Summer Nature Program experience is not!
This summer, we are launching our brand new Summer Nature Program Adventure Chest. Over the course of nine weeks, we will offer a once weekly Summer Nature Program Adventure Chest filled with arts and crafts, activities and artifacts, things to do and places to go, as well as easy instructions and live-session virtual components with our educators, allowing your child to explore deeper the nature theme of the week. A few of the exciting nature themes we are looking forward to this summer: The Magic, Mystery, and Wonder of Nature, Whatever Floats your Boat, Overnight and Under the Sun, The Forces of Nature, Marine Mammal Soundings, and What Color is Nature?
Full details available here.