Meet Samantha Collins
Sam joined The Wetlands Institute as a Research Scientist in early April. Before arriving she served as the Refuge Ornithologist at Rockefeller Refuge researching avian species of concern to better inform conservation, management and restoration. She served as a biologist with the Bird Banding Laboratory where she managed all avian banding and encounter records, nation-wide. Sam received her Bachelor’s from University of Vermont and her Master’s from Clemson University, where she studied the reproductive success of American Oystercatchers and implemented a headstarting effort to enhance low productivity rates. She is excited to join our team to further develop research on avian habitat use, nesting ecology, and response to habitat restoration and enhancement efforts.
Meet Devin Griffiths
Devin joined the Wetlands Institute in May 2019 as the Marketing and Communications Specialist. He studied natural science and writing at Hampshire College, earning his B.A. in Science Journalism, and has been writing professionally for more than 30 years. Devin is an avid birder and a hobbyist photographer, and loves getting out in nature – seeing what’s there and being immersed in it, and then sharing what he’s seen with others in the hope that it might spark a love for – and a desire to protect – the amazing creatures with whom we share our home.