Help us Restore the Marsh

Salt Marsh Planting Day Tuesday, June 3 •  9am to 2pm Help The Wetlands Institute’s staff replant areas of the marsh impacted by the construction of the new walkway. Join us June 3 and help us as we plant 1,500 plugs of Smooth Cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora)...

George Clarke Lecture

Friday, April 25 at 6:00pm – The Life, Death and Rebirth of the Mississippi Delta:  How to Harness the River to Build New Coastal Wetlands.  Presented by Dr. Douglas J. Jerolmack. More information

Marsh Musings – Spring 2014

The marsh has sprung back to life. After a long and cold winter, its exciting to see the changes that every new day brings. The fresh spring green, with all of the subtle shades, make the marsh a magnificent canvas. Thousands of shorebirds spend parts of their day at...

Federal Junior Duck Stamp Competition is on!

The Wetlands Institute is proud to be the official State of New Jersey site for Junior Duck Stamp entries and judging.  Nearly 175 young artists from all over New Jersey entered their artwork in the 2014 competition which will be judged on Monday March 31, at The...

World Series of Birding

The Marshketeers are gearing up for another 24 hours of birding madness on Saturday, May 9, and they need your support! The World Series of Birding supports avian conservation programs at The Wetlands Institute.  Find out more

New Elevated Walkway Construction Underway

    Hurricane Sandy was devastating, but it also presented The Wetlands Institute with amazing opportunities to rebuild and improve. Our new dock was reopened in September and it is truly built better than before. The next phase of improvements – a new 720...

Covered Dish Dinner

Bird-Window Collisions: The Second Largest Human Source of Avian Mortality on Earth – Join Dr. Daniel Klem for an interactive discussion on bird-window collisions and what conservation efforts are being made to save more bird lives.  More information

Walkway Work has Begun!

The next phase of Hurricane Sandy recovery is officially underway! The old marsh walkway which was built in 1987, has been removed and work on the new structure is soon to begin.  The newly designed elevated walkway, in a much better location, with new research and...

Birds and Birding at Cape May

Program and Book Signing Based on the Suttons’ book by the same name, this program is the in-depth result of their efforts documenting and protecting the migration and the hometown that they so love.  More information

Marsh Musings – Winter 2013

What a new year we have had so far! As I write this, it’s snowing – again. While the marsh is a special place in the snow, I long for the vibrant green to replace the golden browns of winter. This has been a winter to remember – for a lot of reasons – good and...