Marsh Musings – Winter 2018-19

by Dr. Lenore Tedesco, Executive Director As I write this column, the monarchs are migrating and the marsh has taken on a multitude of colors reminding us of the changing seasons. By now, you all know that my internal clock is tuned to the annual cycles of migrations...

Marsh Musings – Autumn 2018

by Dr. Lenore Tedesco, Executive Director Another summer is screaming by. Part of me can’t believe it’s going by so quickly, while another part of me is excited by all the wonderful accomplishments of the team here. Hundreds of children are exploring the marsh and...

Marsh Musings – Summer 2018

It’s mid-May as I muse. It’s been a busy few weeks for me – 4th annual native plant sale, World Series of Birding, Return the Favor Horseshoe Crab rescue walks, the Conservation Wine Series release with Jessie Creek Winery, and the Spring Shorebird and Horseshoe Crab...

Marsh Musings – Spring 2018

Yay! Spring! I have always felt connected to nature and that connection extends to the changing of the seasons. The rhythm that accompanies the earth’s cycles as the days get longer and the sun gets brighter permeates the Institute. It feels as if the marsh is...

Marsh Musings – Winter 2017-18

It’s fall and I am perplexed at how fast the year is flying by. I guess it happens every year but it’s no less surprising. It remains a very busy time of year but our tasks have shifted from serving our families and friends in summer programs, to sharing discoveries...

Marsh Musings – Autumn 2017

by Dr. Lenore Tedesco, Executive Director It’s hard to believe that autumn is here already. We spend so much time getting ready for summer and all we hope to accomplish in our research, conservation and education programs, and in seeing all of you. Before you know it,...