Marsh Musings – Winter 2015

Winter 2015 – Early October brought historic storms to the Jersey shore and much of the eastern seaboard of the United States. Relentless northeast winds blew for more than five days and storm tides filled the back bays to levels that were reminiscent of Sandy,...

Marsh Musings – Summer 2015

Summer 2015 – Summer time has arrived at the shore – and it is a welcome arrival indeed. The Institute has shifted into summer mode and as I write these musings, the marsh and the Institute are a whirlwind of activity. The birds are nesting everywhere – on the...

Marsh Musings – Spring 2015

Spring 2015  –  I love to take time to write this column. It provides a wonderful reason to reflect on the status and rhythm of the Institute. The Institute, like the marsh outside my window, has its own rhythm. It’s February and one typically thinks of this as...

Marsh Musings – Winter 2014

Winter 2014 – As I write this column, The Institute has just shifted to our winter hours. It’s a bitter sweet time for us. The Institute is quiet most of the week and we all miss the energy, excitement and discovery of our visitors. It’s an important time for...

Marsh Musings – Autumn 2014

The summer has been screaming by at a remarkable pace. The Institute has been filled with the laughter and excitement of visitors and summer nature program participants, the gardens are ablaze in color, the nest boxes full of hungry baby birds, and the mud flats and...

Marsh Musings – Spring 2014

The marsh has sprung back to life. After a long and cold winter, its exciting to see the changes that every new day brings. The fresh spring green, with all of the subtle shades, make the marsh a magnificent canvas. Thousands of shorebirds spend parts of their day at...