Turtle Stories on Display: Educating About Our Local Terrapins

by Erin Rawls, Outreach Coordinator Every year, in the early days of summer, Northern diamondback terrapin females emerge from the marsh to lay their eggs. If you’ve visited The Wetlands Institute during those months, you might have seen a terrapin yourself, or even...

Supporting the Institute – However, Whenever, Wherever

by Jon Tullis, Wetlands Institute Board Member Stone Harbor and Seven Mile Island have been treasured spots for me since childhood. I’m one of those having a favorite relative – an aunt, in my case – who owns a family place on the Island. Aunt Peg is a favorite...

Marsh Musings – Winter 2022-2023

by Dr. Lenore Tedesco, Executive Director Many people ask me if things have slowed down now that the seasons have changed. The answer may surprise you. Our full-time year-round staff of 19 are always busy but our focus changes with the seasons. The research team is...

Welcome to the Team – Autumn 2022

Meet Julie Blum Julie Blum joined us as a Research Scientist in early August. Prior to joining, she worked with the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, coordinating the development of a statewide strategy for increasing carbon storage and sequestration...

EE Summer Intern Projects – 2022

A Summer of Growthby Brooke Knapick, Director of Educational Program Development This summer, Luing Family Internship Program Environmental Education Interns spent 12 weeks leading public education programs and interacting with visitors of all ages, while braving the...