Migrating Monarchs: Making Connections Along the Way

by Sue SlotterbackMonarch tagging began in 1940, in efforts to learn where monarch butterflies went during the winter. It took 36 years before the first tagged monarch was finally seen… in Mexico! Last February, I got a chance to travel to Mexico to see millions of...

Just Skimming the Surface

by Lisa Ferguson Who doesn’t love the sight of Black Skimmers streaming low over calm waters in our backbays? Or their barks at dusk as they cut the water with their bill in a hunt for fish? We are treated to these sights and sounds during the summer when Black...

A Sea of Plastic? We Did Something About It!

by Dr. Lenore TedescoThis summer, I wrote about the sea of plastic and its impact on marine life. I spent a lot of time working with the Boroughs to craft appropriate ordinance language and educate the councils on the issues. I also challenged everyone to do something...

The Natural World Is Important to Me

by Evelyn Rider, Herbert Mills Legacy Society Member Having been a member of the Wetlands Institute for nearly 20 years, I decided to include The Wetlands Institute in my estate planning. The natural world of the shore is both enjoyable and important to me. As a young...

Marsh Musings – Winter 2018-19

by Dr. Lenore Tedesco, Executive Director As I write this column, the monarchs are migrating and the marsh has taken on a multitude of colors reminding us of the changing seasons. By now, you all know that my internal clock is tuned to the annual cycles of migrations...

The Celebration of a Milestone

by Dr. Lenore TedescoMilestones are significant and here at The Wetlands Institute we are about to celebrate a milestone. The Wetlands Institute turns fifty in 2019. Fifty years is a notable achievement and especially for a small non-profit. It’s a great time to...

Summer Intern Projects

Coastal Conservation Research Program It was a busy, muddy summer with the Coastal Conservation Research Program interns. We were able to learn so much through their contributions, and had a great time doing it! The crew of six– all undergraduates or recent graduates...

Tracking Terrapins in the Marsh

by Brian Williamson In an effort to fill gaps in our knowledge of behavior and survival of juvenile terrapins, we initiated a telemetry study to track movements of head-started juvenile terrapins this summer. We are partnering with Cellular Tracking Technologies...

2018 Summer Celebration Sponsors

Our 4th annual Summer Celebration held at ICONA Avalon on the evening of July 28 was a huge success! We want to thank all who came out to celebrate summer overlooking the marsh and to support our programs. Special thanks to our Premier Event Sponsors! 2020...