New Fellowship Program Provides Invaluable Early Career Preparation

by Kristen Egan, Development Manager We are thrilled to welcome another young scientist eager to work on coastal research and conservation projects and help build on classroom-based knowledge. Chris Dolan is working as a Research Assistant this summer and gaining...

When Passion and Career Intertwine

by Brooke Knapick, Director of Educational Program Development For the past nine years, I have had the pleasure of working alongside one of the best environmental educators in the profession – The Wetlands Institute’s Environmental Educator, Sue Slotterback. Sue’s...

The Synergy of Philanthropy

by Kristen Egan, Development Manager Barbara and Jim Summers have embraced The Wetlands Institute’s mantra of “we make no small plans”. This mantra and vision for the future has inspired their transformative support over many years to the Institute – support that...

Marsh Musings – Spring 2021

by Dr. Lenore Tedesco, Executive Director With winter drawing to a close and the promise of spring on the horizon, 2021 is rapidly coming into focus. As an organization, we are faced again with a complex landscape of external factors that will shape day-to-day...

Our Managed Beaches

by Dr. Lenore Tedesco, Executive Director The interface between land and sea is a magical place and the lure of the coast is undeniably strong. There are volumes of research out there seeking to prove that as humans, we have an innate draw to the sea. For so many of...