The Wetlands Institute Receives Disney Conservation Grant

Stone Harbor, NJ, May 4, 2017 – The Wetlands Institute has been awarded a $23,700 grant from the Disney Conservation Fund (DCF) as a part of the Fund’s focus on reversing the decline of at-risk wildlife around the world. The conservation grant recognizes The Wetlands...

Horseshoe Crab Connection

by Sue Slotterback An annual ritual is about to commence along our shoreline. It’s time for the migration and spawning of horseshoe crabs. Known as a “living fossil”, horseshoe crabs date back more than 450 million years! They are closely related to spiders, ticks,...

Monarch Ambassadors: Helping to Answer the Questions

by Sue Slotterback, Environmental Educator For several years the headlines have touted the Monarch population is in decline from a series of devastating events and practices. And that’s true for most of the Midwest; however, the news isn’t as dire here on the East...

Changing Times for Terrapins

by Brian Williamson, Research Scientist After many years of being legally harvested in New Jersey, we are very happy to announce that a bill has been passed to officially remove diamondback terrapins from the game species list. The bill was originally proposed in...

Protecting the Beaches for Birds: Shorebird Stewarding

by Allison Anholt, Research Scientist   Taylor Tedesco, Beach Steward Coastal birds such as piping plovers, American oystercatchers, terns, skimmers, and many migratory species of shorebirds use our local beaches in order to roost, forage, and raise young....

Can Dredge Materials be Beneficial to Marshes?

Can Dredge Materials be Beneficial to Marshes? by Lenore Tedesco, Executive Director Recently, there has been a lot of talk about opportunities to utilize dredge materials for environmental benefit, especially to help restore wetlands. Scientists at the Institute have...