25 Years of Turtle Releases

by Roberta Dean When reading The Wetlands newsletter this winter, I was drawn to the news about this year marking the 25th Anniversary of the Diamondback Terrapin Conservation Project. I immediately realized what that meant to me — I would be preparing for my...

Volunteers to the Rescue!

2016 was an extraordinary year for the reTURN the Favor program. Over 77,000 horseshoe crabs were rescued from bayshore beaches in New Jersey this season – surpassing the total from the first three years combined! Volunteers and staff from partner organizations...

Merits of the Marsh

Wetlands are incredibly important and biologically diverse ecosystems. Many species of plants and animals spend their entire lives in wetlands. Many others find food in wetlands, use them as nesting or nursery grounds or stop in them to rest during migration. Wetlands...

Great News for Terrapins!

Dear Terrapin Conservation Supporters, More good news! New Jersey’s Senate Environment and Energy Committee and Assembly Agriculture and Natural Resources committees recently met to consider  Bill S-1625 and A-2949 to classify diamondback terrapins a as non-game...

25 Years of Protecting Diamondback Terrapins

by Brian Williamson If you spend time at the shore, you probably are familiar with diamondback terrapins. They are our local saltmarsh turtle; unique in that they are the only reptiles that thrive in this habitat. They are most often seen when the females come out of...

reTURNing the Favor for Horseshoe Crabs

The reTURN the Favor program works to make the beaches of New Jersey safer for the thousands of horseshoe crabs that spawn annually between May and July on the Delaware Bayshore. Many of these crabs die by becoming overturned by wave action, or upon being caught in...