Post-Sandy Emergency Restoration

Restoring Shorebird Foraging and Horseshoe Crabs Spawning Habitat to Delaware Bay Beaches: Reeds, Cooks, Kimble’s and Pierces Point, NJ Bayshore communities and the surrounding beaches that are critical to spawning horseshoe crabs and migratory shorebirds were both...

ASMFC Horseshoe Crab Board Approves Addendum VII

The Commission’s Horseshoe Crab Management Board has approved Addendum VII. The Addendum implements the Adaptive Resource Management Framework, which incorporates both shorebird and horseshoe crab abundance levels to set optimized horseshoe crab harvest levels for the Delaware Bay area.

Response to Public Comment

Full comment can be viewed by clicking here. WETLANDS INSTITUTE COMMENTS ON ATLANTIC STATES MARINE FISHERIES COMMISSION’S “DRAFT ADDENDUM VII” Interstate Fishery Management Plan for Horseshoe Crabs Stone Harbor, NJ – Although diamondback terrapin research and...