Reflections From a Seasonal Naturalist

by Steve Scheff, Seasonal Naturalist I am a lifelong educator, having been an elementary school teacher for 30 years. Upon my retirement, I decided to leap into another passion of mine… nature! Having always been interested in the natural world, coming of age during...

Marsh Musings – Spring 2022

The First Steps of Embracing TWI 2.0by Dr. Lenore Tedesco, Executive Director The dawn of 2022 brings with it a renewed sense that the worst of the uncertainty is behind us. It’s time to go beyond thinking about the next chapter for The Wetlands Institute and begin to...

A Legacy of Connection

by Joan Roberts Barminski What little kid wouldn’t be happy going hand-in-hand with Grammie to touch a slimy sea cucumber? Or to sit with Baga to see a show about a prehistoric creature, the horseshoe crab? Nancy Roberts knew her stuff, and forged a strong bond with...

Solid Air: The Invisible Threat to Birds

by Daniel Klem, TWI Honorary Board Member and author of Solid Air, Invisible Killer: Saving Billions of Birds from Windows Imagine an invisible barrier placed along a busy thoroughfare, indiscriminately killing millions each year. Old and young, healthy and frail, all...

And Now… for the Rest of the Story

by Brooke Knapick, Director of Educational Program Development So much of what makes outdoor and environmental education impactful, and real, relies on the interaction of participant, educator and outdoor experience, all working in concert to create a genuine human...

Marsh Musings – Winter 2021-2022

by Dr. Lenore Tedesco, Executive Director Fall is in full swing as I write this and the marshes are a vibrant golden color this morning. Later stage migrants are moving through and the wintering waterfowl and raptors are returning to the marsh. It’s a beautiful time,...