Summer Intern Projects – CCRP

Coastal Conservation Research Programby Dr. Lisa Ferguson, Director of Research & Conservation Six interns joined our 2021 Coastal Conservation Research Program (CCRP) this summer for an intensive hands-on learning experience in the marsh! This year, CCRP interns...

A Head Start Starts Here

by Dr. Lenore Tedesco, Executive Director, and Kristen Egan, Development Manager When we talk about our “Head Start Program” we’re usually referring to our terrapin conservation work. While we take great pride in the hundreds of terrapins that we are able to hatch and...

Marsh Musings – Summer 2021

A Time for Renewalby Dr. Lenore Tedesco, Executive Director With summer comes renewal and hopefully the end of a long and difficult time for us all. These past several weeks have brought the first glimpses of a return to more normal times. Visitors are back at the...

Providing Certainty in Uncertain Times

by Kristen Egan, Development Manager In 2018, we set a bold goal. As the Institute’s 50th Anniversary approached, it was an ideal moment in our history to build the foundation for the Institute’s long-term fiscal health via an endowment. We recognized the need for...

Rallying Behind Research

by Kristen Egan, Development Manager Margaret McAllister’s connection with and care for our coastal community started at a young age. She remembers spending summers on the water teaching swimming and windsurfing at the Yacht Club of Stone Harbor (YCSH), which brought...

2021’s World Series of Birding Draws to a Successful Close

by Devin Griffiths, Marketing & Communications Specialist On Saturday, May 8, The Wetlands Institute’s team of irrepressible birders, The Marshketeers, once again gave up sleep for birds, competing in the 24-hour challenge that is NJ Audubon’s World Series of...