Bald Eagle Recovery Reaches Milestone in New Jersey

The dramatic recovery of the American bald eagle has reached a milestone in New Jersey, with more than 100 pairs now nesting in the Garden State, according to a newly released analysis of the species’ population.

Bald Eagles Thriving, Setting Records in New Jersey

New Jersey’s bald eagles continue their impressive rebound from virtual extinction in the state, this year’s census shows. The Delaware Bay remains the eagles’ stronghold in New Jersey, boasting the highest state concentration along the Maurice and Cohansey rivers.

Delaware Bayshore Designated Globally Important Bird Area

Fifty miles of the Delaware Bay coast from Cape May Point to Fairfield Township in Cumberland County have been declared a globally significant “Important Bird Area”. The designation was brought to the United States in 1995. Some are wondering what took so long for the Delaware Bay shore to be recognized.

Partnership Preserves Livelihoods and Fish Stocks

Five years ago, the Nature Conservancy bought out area fishing boats and licenses – forged with the local fishing industry – to protect millions of acres of fish habitat. But once the conservancy had access to what was essentially its own private commercial fishing fleet, the group decided to put the boats back to work and set up a collaborative model for sustainable fishing.