Octo Antics

by Samantha Sorbello The common octopus is one of the more interesting inhabitants of our local waters. Typically found offshore, these animals are often caught as bycatch by commercial fishermen. Both in the wild and in captivity, octopus are masters of disguise...

Giving Back: My Adventures as an Institute Volunteer

by Jan Zimmerman One of the many nice things about retirement at the shore is having time to do something besides work! Having brought my children to The Wetland’s during summer vacations years ago, and as a lover of the seashore environment, volunteering with The...

Marsh Musings – Spring 2017

As the days get longer, the marsh begins to awaken from its winter slumber. I pause at the dawn of this spring to wonder how things have changed since the fall. It seems that wherever you look, there is change. The election of a new president certainly appears to be a...

Horseshoe Crab Connection

by Sue Slotterback An annual ritual is about to commence along our shoreline. It’s time for the migration and spawning of horseshoe crabs. Known as a “living fossil”, horseshoe crabs date back more than 450 million years! They are closely related to spiders, ticks,...

Happy Holidays

Donate Online Warm Wishes for a Happy Holiday Season and a Wonderful New Year!  At the end of yet another busy year, we would like take a moment to thank you, our supporters, for all you do! We have accomplished so much and it would not have been possible without your...

A Special Thank You

As a Wetlands Institute Summer Docent, every Wednesday morning from May to September, Stuart Friedman, can be found leading the Avalon Dune and Beach walks at 48th Street and Dune Drive. During these walks, Stu is informative, passionate and committed to educating the...

Monarch Ambassadors: Helping to Answer the Questions

by Sue Slotterback, Environmental Educator For several years the headlines have touted the Monarch population is in decline from a series of devastating events and practices. And that’s true for most of the Midwest; however, the news isn’t as dire here on the East...

Fascinating Fiddler Crabs

by Samantha Sorbello, Aquarist / Environmental Educator When you walk through the marsh, you have probably noticed small, round holes in the mud that are home to the fiddler crab. Three species of fiddler crabs, Uca pugilator, U. pugnax, and U. minax are found in...

Changing Times for Terrapins

by Brian Williamson, Research Scientist After many years of being legally harvested in New Jersey, we are very happy to announce that a bill has been passed to officially remove diamondback terrapins from the game species list. The bill was originally proposed in...

Marsh Musings – Winter 2016

Taking the Pulse of the Marsh Wetlands and coastal ecosystems are incredibly dynamic with change being a constant characteristic. Superimposed on their rhythmic changes are intensified pressures related to climate change, sea level rise, and intense human use. As the...