Share the Beach with Nesting Birds

by Allison Anholt The beaches of Seven Mile Island are beautiful beaches. Characterized by tall dunes, shells galore, and nice swimming opportunities, they are attractive to people as well as many species of nesting birds. We are lucky to share our beaches with some...

Welcome Haley Faith!

I joined the Wetlands family in April as the new Outreach Coordinator. I graduated from Stockton University in 2013, with a BS in Marine Science, and a concentration in Marine Biology. While in college, I started my marine biology career as an aquaculturist. From...

The Wetlands Institute Receives Disney Conservation Grant

Stone Harbor, NJ, May 4, 2017 – The Wetlands Institute has been awarded a $23,700 grant from the Disney Conservation Fund (DCF) as a part of the Fund’s focus on reversing the decline of at-risk wildlife around the world. The conservation grant recognizes The Wetlands...

Octo Antics

by Samantha Sorbello The common octopus is one of the more interesting inhabitants of our local waters. Typically found offshore, these animals are often caught as bycatch by commercial fishermen. Both in the wild and in captivity, octopus are masters of disguise...

Horseshoe Crab Connection

by Sue Slotterback An annual ritual is about to commence along our shoreline. It’s time for the migration and spawning of horseshoe crabs. Known as a “living fossil”, horseshoe crabs date back more than 450 million years! They are closely related to spiders, ticks,...

A Special Thank You

As a Wetlands Institute Summer Docent, every Wednesday morning from May to September, Stuart Friedman, can be found leading the Avalon Dune and Beach walks at 48th Street and Dune Drive. During these walks, Stu is informative, passionate and committed to educating the...