Marsh Musings – Summer 2017

by Dr. Lenore Tedesco, Executive Director The season has turned and the meadows, beaches – and island – have awakened from their winter slumber. The Wetlands Institute has shifted gears too and the chorus of resident birds in the marsh that welcomes me to work every...

Marsh Musings – Spring 2017

As the days get longer, the marsh begins to awaken from its winter slumber. I pause at the dawn of this spring to wonder how things have changed since the fall. It seems that wherever you look, there is change. The election of a new president certainly appears to be a...

Marsh Musings – Winter 2016

Taking the Pulse of the Marsh Wetlands and coastal ecosystems are incredibly dynamic with change being a constant characteristic. Superimposed on their rhythmic changes are intensified pressures related to climate change, sea level rise, and intense human use. As the...

Marsh Musings – Autumn 2016

Autumn 2016 by Dr. Lenore Tedesco As another summer comes to a close, it’s a great time to think about all the remarkable work our staff, volunteers, and interns have done and the impact it has had. As the summer season starts, our staffing ramps up with the addition...

Marsh Musings – Summer 2016

Its spring! Hasn’t quite felt like spring in the marsh through most of April and early May. The marsh got nice and green, but the temperatures stayed cold and the rain just kept on coming. My fingers are crossed that the weather turns glorious. As I write this column...

Marsh Musings – Spring 2016

Spring 2016 – Rising Waters – A View From the Marsh –  On January 23rd, the southern Jersey shore experienced a strong blast of winter, in a winter that had largely been noted for unseasonably warm weather. Yet again, our communities were battered with...