Share the Beach with Nesting Birds

by Allison Anholt The beaches of Seven Mile Island are beautiful beaches. Characterized by tall dunes, shells galore, and nice swimming opportunities, they are attractive to people as well as many species of nesting birds. We are lucky to share our beaches with some...

Winter Lectures

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Why Your Support Matters

We are proud to present this amazing four minute video of the wonders of the marsh and the crucial work being done by The Wetlands Institute. Watch...

Home Improvements for Purple Martins and Tree Swallows

Purple martins are a small, beautifully-colored swallow that scoops up airborne insects as they fly about. In spring, martins visit us to nest, travelling from wintering grounds in South America. Once here, they prefer close quarters with other martins in nest boxes...

Summer Internships

The return of summer weather to the marsh marks the arrival of our undergraduate interns! Soon enough, this ambitious group will be busy leading public education programs, attending outreach events, conducting research and conservation projects, and enjoying life at...

Attention Crabbers: Terrapin BRD’s Available!

Diamondback terrapins often become trapped in crab pots, attracted by bait and trapped animals. Because terrapins require access to the surface in order to breathe, they often drown in crab pots. To prevent the loss of terrapins in traps, New Jersey law requires...