Marsh Musings – Spring 2020

by Dr. Lenore Tedesco, Executive Director It’s 2020, and we’re kicking off another great year at the Institute. We had so much to celebrate in 2019, our 50th Anniversary. It was a wonderful year when we all took time to learn more about our history and reconnect with...

Facing the Winds of Change

by Devin Griffiths These days, there’s a change in the air. It carries the breath of spring and the promise of warmth, evening light, and renewal. There’s something else, though, and for many it fills the air with a sense of electric anticipation: Spring...

Marsh Musings – Winter 2019-2020

by Dr. Lenore Tedesco, Executive Director It’s hard to believe but fall is here. I know it’s true because the marsh is no longer green but instead a mosaic of green, brown, tan, purple, and red. Some of the winter birds have taken up their residence in the marsh,...

Celebrating A Legacy of Research and Conservation

by Dr. Lenore Tedesco, Executive Director As our year of celebrations for the 50th Anniversary comes to a close, it’s fitting to reflect upon the remarkable legacy of research and conservation that underpins the impact of The Wetlands Institute. During the...

Stretching Into the Future

by Christina Faulk This summer, in our 50th year, The Wetlands Institute introduced our first ever endowment campaign. An organization with a great history as strong as ours surely also has a promising future. Thanks to you, the 50th Anniversary Endowment Campaign is...

Research & Conservation

Now and Into Our Future, by Dr. Lisa Ferguson These days at The Wetlands Institute, when we set off to conduct our research, we see the ties to our history in everything around us. From the expansive, green acres of salt marsh that are protected thanks to our...